Rates Appeal Deadline 31st March 2015

Rates Appeal Deadline 31st March 2015


The Governments business rates appeals deadline is approaching.

The Chancellor announced in December a rate appeals deadline which will have a dramatic effect on rate savings. Any Rateable Value appeals lodged by 31 March 2015 will still qualify for full backdating, potentially all the way back to 1 April 2010. Appeals lodged after the deadline however can only backdate to 1 April 2015.

This could lead to you missing out on 69% of a refund due to you.

We can advise as to whether there is potential to reduce your business rates without obligation. Numerous situations can justify a rates reduction:
• The Rateable Value is assessed at too high a level
• Your property is being adversely affected by building works closeby
• The property is partly vacant
• There has been a change in your area e.g. a new shopping centre opening
• Your shop is located in an area where there are a large number of vacant units
• The Rateable Value is based upon incorrect areas
• The configuration of your property warrants an allowance

If any of these apply to your business then please contact Paul Robbins paul@merrifields.co.uk or 01284 700700.

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